Turn your waste oil into cash with Us
Support Go-Green efforts by exchanging your used cooking oil for cash with us and we will convert it together with our partners into environmentally friendly biofuel.
Waste Oil Collection
This action to collect used cooking oil and exchange it for cash aims to help protect the environment from pollution and at the same time help people's income so they can feel the benefits.

About Tanbu Bioenergy Utama

Our Certificate Number EU-ISCC-Cert-MY231-2023138
PT Tanbu Bioenergy Utama (TBU) is your partner for exchanging used cooking oil into rupiah. The used cooking oil that you exchange will be converted by our partners into biofuel which helps support go-green efforts, recycling waste into something of economic value.
What's that Used Cooking Oil
Used cooking oil is waste oil that has been used many times for cooking and has a blackish brown color. Used cooking oil contains dangerous compounds and can increase the risk of oxidation and the formation of free radicals when reused. It is recommended that used cooking oil be disposed of safely and managed properly. We can recycle used cooking oil into environmentally friendly Biodiesel. Let's save the earth together by starting with small things.
SOURCE of Waste Oil
Your contribution is very significant in overcoming environmental pollution due to used cooking oil waste which can damage the environment. Collect and exchange your used cooking oil for rupiah, so that our environmental ecosystem can continue to be protected. We accommodate various sources of used cooking oil from:





DANGER of Waste Oil
Used cooking oil, also known as used cooking oil, can be a danger to the environment if not disposed of properly. Here are some reasons why used cooking oil can be detrimental to the environment:
1. Water Pollution: Disposing of used cooking oil carelessly can cost water pollution. When the oil reaches pipeline systems and eventually enters rivers or seas, it can pollute water sources. This oil can form a layer on the surface of the water, disrupt the flow of oxygen to the water, and damage the water ecosystem.
2. Soil Pollution: If used cooking oil is dumped on the ground, it can pollute the soil and affect plant growth. This oil can kill important microorganisms in the soil and disrupt the soil ecosystem.
3. Danger to Wildlife: Used cooking oil that pollutes the environment can harm wildlife. For example, birds, fish, and other animals can be exposed to oil and suffer poisoning or physical damage.
4. Sewer Blockade: When used cooking oil reaches the drain, it can cause blockages and damage to the sanitation system. This can result in expensive repairs and bigger environmental problems.
To avoid the dangers of used cooking oil for the environment, it is important to dispose of it properly. The correct way is to collect used cooking oil in closed containers and send it to a suitable processing site, such as the Tanbu used cooking oil recycling facility. Always avoid throwing used cooking oil into the drain or toilet. With this action, you can help protect the environment from pollution caused by used cooking oil.

Used Cooking Oil Collection

Tons of harvesta

Units of Cattle

Hectares of farm

Units of technic
Collect Used Cooking Oil
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