About Us

PT Tanbu Bioenergy Utama

Our Certificate Number EU-ISCC-Cert-MY231-2023138

PT Tanbu Bioenergy Utama (TBU) is your partner for exchanging used cooking oil into rupiah. The used cooking oil that you exchange will be converted by our partners into biofuel which also supports go-green efforts, recycling waste into something of economic value, renewable energy, sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Our company has ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) certification, which aims to make a real contribution to the production and use of all types of biomass which supports environmental, social and economic resilience as a global supply chain.

Source of used cooking oil:
– Household
– Umkm
– Restaurant
– Hotels
- Factory


To create a better earth by using clean, unlimited renewable energy resources, more GREEN, eco-friendly while achieving carbon zero emissions, with PASSION for a healthier earth, we are committed to being HONEST and striving for constant INNOVATION, and fostering trust among all.


- COOPERATE with various partners to develop and provide services that rely on renewable energy resources
- Driven by PASSION and HONEST culture
- Through INNOVATION, aim to build trust towards a GREEN and sustainable future


For further information and partner collaboration with us. You can contact us via WhatsApp message
